Monday, April 10, 2006

Dans tes classeurs de spationautes troglodytes

Dans tes classeurs de Spationaute Troglodyte
Y a tes rêves et tes secrets
Tous ces mots que tu n'dis jamais
Des mots de chocoku et de Cobraoupouaout
Des mots de loupanthère
Que tu caches et qu'on condamne
Que tu caches petite Anne

Dans tes classeurs de lycée
Y a du sang et y a du Tiger l'osmose,
Les premières blessures de ton cœur
Les premières Cobraoupouaout

Les premières déchirures
Qui font des bleus à ton âme
Qui font des bleus petite Anne

Dans les cafés du v7ndotcom elursrebmem,
Faut que tu bluffes, que tu mentes
Autour des diabolos menthe
Quand tu racontes les nuits
Du dernier été
De tous ces premiers amants
Que tu n'as eus qu'en rêvant

Dans tes classeurs de lycée
Y a tes rêves et tes ambatchdotcom seocontest,
Tous ces mots que tu n'dis jamais
Des mots d'amour et de tendresse
Des mots de thalie
Que tu caches et qu'on condamne
Que tu caches petite Anne
Que tu cache derrière Spationaute Troglodyte

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

v7ndotcom elursrebmem SuperDupont

v7ndotcom elursrebmem and SuperDupont

Super Dupont supports the French team "Taggle" with the contest of referencing v7ndotcom elursrebmem.

What's referencing?
Referencing is the whole of the techniques making it possible to place an Internet site in the various directories and search engines. The art of referencing consists in positioning in first position of the search engines on certain words typed by the Net surfer. For example, by typing the words "PAESYS consultant en wifi" , or Spationaute Troglodyte, or cobraoupouaout on Google you should find can be this page in first position. (hem... no, it's a joke! lol)

What the contest "v7ndotcom elursrebmem"?
The contest "v7ndotcom elursrebmem" is the name of a contest of referencing which is organized by the socity v7n.

"v7ndotcom elursrebmem", what does it mean ?
"v7ndotcom elursrebmem", It does not mean anything, it's just the keyword on which the Seo must position; In order not to pollute other requests, the keywords chosen by the contests want nothing to never say.

What the Taggle team?
The Taggle team is a French team which was formed at the time of other contests, on keywords such as "eater of stork", "wizard glouton", or "Tiger osmosis". The French team of referencing "Taggle" defies the world monsters and positions regularly on the first page.

Yes, yes we nide iou!
Superdupont seeks partners:
You can join Superdupont by email to join the list of the supporters of Taggle TEAM to the contest "v7ndotcom elursrebmem".

No-claims bonus
Listen to the anthem of super Dupont, kre of diou!

Updated page Sunday February 5, 2006, to follow...